
life is goo

November 2, 2007

Until this summer our neighbor’s boat on the dock was called “Life is Good”.  Once I took an especially nice photo of our dog and our friend Bud’s dog lying in the cockpit of our boat with Life is Good in the background, except once we looked closely at the photo we saw that one of the dog’s heads was blocking the last letter on the boat’s name, thus a great photo of two dogs with the words “Life is Goo” between them.  So Morley and I started using the phrase “life is goo” when things are going particularly well.

Life tonight is very, very goo.

After our second or third nap of the day (we’re on a totally different time zone today) we woke up to see darkness outside and figured it was time for either an early breakfast or dinner.  As it turns out it was dinner time so we headed off to a little restaurant not far from our hotel and had a great dinner (“bangers and mash” for Morley–let’s just see if he sticks by that decision tomorrow as a good choice for his first solid food in several days) and while we ate dinner we talked about the events of the last couple of months and especially the past few days. It has been nothing less than life changing for both of us, a medical miracle wrapped up in a spiritual package. 

You just can’t come through the experience we’ve had the last several weeks without coming out the other side more appreciative of the people who make up the fabric of your life.  Impossible.

Anyway, it’s now 9:30 and we are ready for bed but we just wanted to say good night and thank you, thank you, thank you. It is truly impossible to tell you how much your good wishes and comments and prayers have meant to us these last few days.  Truly, you have no idea.

Susan and “Is It Time for Bed Yet” Morley

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